Friday, December 16, 2016



I did not workout


The Reckoning: Accountants explain their value as providing transparency or clarity of information, but too often they miss rogues or act as aids to fraud.


The heat has been out in our home.  We boiled a ton of water hoping to add some humidity and thus increase the heat capacity of our unit.  It worked, strong recommend.

Thursday, December 15, 2016



Glute Bridges
Resistance Band
3x6 at 80#, 90#, 100#
  • Squat
  • Reverse Lunge
  • SLDL
  • Thrusters

The Economist Leaders:  on how Donald Trump will be executing deals rather than policies.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


  • Yoga
  • Glute Bridges
  • Resistance Band
  • Core
  • Basketball for 1 hour
  • 120-yard shuttles
    • EMOM x6

The Reckoning: on how accounting was intertwined with American philosophy during the Revolution.  Washington kept detailed accounts of his expenses as general, Benjamin Franklin called for the government to operate open books, and Robert Morris called for businessmen to operate under uniform rules so that accountants from other places could understand.

Railroads created accounting issues.  How do you account for depreciation and known maintenance of the railroad?  How can the public understand this without being trained in accounting?

I finished listening to Trevor Noah's book Born a Crime.  I am a big fan of Trevor and this book is great, I give it a strong recommend.

I launched the Wealth of Humans on audible.  It is basically about how globalization cut costs for big companies allowing them to invest in automation, meanwhile, our population has become more educated and more skilled than ever before, these two forces combine to create tectonic shifts in the future of employment.  It took the author a few minutes to reference Thomas Piketty, below is a list of books I've read that have referenced Thomas Piketty.

This Changes Everything: Naomi Klein
Saving Capitalism: Robert Reich
The Price of Inequality: Joseph Schultz
Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus: Douglas Rushkoff
Algorithms to Live by: Brian Christian
The Wealth of Humans: Ryan Avent

Tuesday, December 13, 2016



I did not workout.


I did not read.


We are off to a hot start this week!

Friday, December 9, 2016



Glute Bridges
  • 1 legged slalom 3x50
  • squat to lunge 3x8
  • seat to jump 4x6
  • hurdles 3x6
  • 1-2-3 height 4x5
  • step up jumps 3x8


The Reckoning:  In France under Louis XVI an accountant named Necker wanted the French crown to be as transparent as the British crown.  With the publication of the Compte Rendu they revealed the French crown was operating at a surplus, they also revealed the priorities of the crown.  The distortion between military spending and spending for the poor was so large, the author argues, that it became a driving force behind the French revolution.


I have been thinking about the idea of "silencing hate" or "not lending legitimacy" to undesirable views.  Not listening to hate speech or removing it from our echo chambers certainly "silences hate" but it does absolutely nothing to reconcile hate, which I am ever more convinced can only be done through engagement.  

"No lending legitimacy" is a different issue to me, because what is legitimate anymore?  People think Breitbart is legitimate.  Fox News is America's most trusted news source.  It feels like fighting the wrong fight.  

"We don't want to lend legitimacy to their views!" 

"Yea but no one in media has legitimacy anymore, so how can they be in the business of lending it out?"

Thursday, December 8, 2016



I did not work out


The Reckoning: bookkeeping becomes a staple of English education.  "Even girls were allowed to study arithmancy as it pertained to bookkeeping."

Wednesday, December 7, 2016



Glute Bridges
Resistance Band
  • 90 minutes


The Reckoning

The author outlines how the British adoption of accounting principles allowed the empire to grow.  Specifically the involvement of Lord Walpole in implementing time value of money to the planning procedures of the the Empire which alone was able to dramatically reduce their expenses.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016



Glute Bridges
Resistance Band

  • I am adding planks to the warm-up.  I have been doing 45 seconds on 30 seconds off for five minutes
Freeweights ((80#, 90#, 100#) x5)
  • Squats
  • Reverse Lunge
  • SLDL
  • Thrusters
((80#, 90#, 100#) x3)
  • RFE Squat

The Reckoning: The Sun God

Colbert was Louis XIV's accountant.  Colbert worked to teach Louis how to audit his own books and would constantly harass Louis about frivolous spending and useless wars wasting his wealth.  Louis was not a big fan of this pressure.  When Colbert died Louis did not appoint a new accountant to the position - it is the author's take that this is the beginning of the end of the French Empire.


I have finished relistening to Algorithms - I find that rereading a book is often better than reading it the first time.  After one read I may have scored this book a 6, now I feel like it is an 8.

Friday, December 2, 2016



Glute Briges

  • 1 legged slalom 4x75
  • squat to lunge 4x8
  • seat to jump 4x6
  • hurdles 4x6
  • 3 step heigh jumps 2x5
  • step up jumps 3x8

Midas Paradox Chapter 11: Sumner outlines his thoughts on the rise of socialism and facism in the wake of financial crises.  Although Bernie is socialism light and Trump is facism ultra-light it is hard to not draw the comparison.

Thursday, December 1, 2016



Glute Bridges
Resistance Band

  • At 8 minute pace
    • 1 min on
  • at 5:30 minute pace
    • 1 minute on 1 minute off x4
    • 30 sec on 30 sec off x3

Midas Paradox Chapter 11

Sumner has spent a lot of time ripping on Keynesians and Monetarists.  It's always pretty amusing when someone exposes an apparent "either or" choice as a "neither" answer.


Relistening to Algorithms:  The optimal sort is to just pile your papers if you use a paper return it to the top of the pile, and that's that.
Liberals will say Trevor won, Conservatives will say Tomi won.  Sometimes I wonder if there is anything to be gained from these kinds of discussions.  Tomi isn't interested in changing her position because she makes a livelihood depends on it, Trevor isn't interested in changing his position because his livelihood depends on it.  Mark Twain would say never argue with a fool, Hamilton would say if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything.