Monday, December 14, 2015

Narrative Format: Machine v Revolver - 1st Half

Point 1:

Machine Turnover – 6:30 – Wideside to wideside hammer
Revolver Break – 8:07 – Middle to Middle huck

Machine was at their best when the handlers got to the wide sideline and their cutters were able to cascade down field toward the trap sideline.  After the initial cascade Machine’s handlers are able to get the disc back to the wide side, but at this point their cutters have “run out” of space to cascade so they need to transition into something else in order to deal with the smaller space.

Revolver gets the disc and uses a vert stack.  They are able to maintain tons of space around the disc, their resets look easy and they have no fear of losing yards.  Eventually they get a good matchup going away (revolver cutter on a machine handler).

Point 2:

Machine Turnover – 9:50 – Trapside to Middle Huck
Revolver Break – 10:35 – Middle to Middle dump

Machine comes out in a side stack and runs a flood.  They struggle to find their cutters and up taking a shot.

Revolver moves quickly with a vert stack and hits a middle to middle huck that gets dinked for a score.

Point 3:

Machine score – 14:10 – Trapside to wideside cross field shot

Machine sets up with three handlers back, their third offensive look of the game.  Machine is very patient on this point.  Everyone touches the disc, most people touch it more than once, and they grind a lot of unders and swings until Bob is able to create something.

Point 4:

Revolver score – 15:55 – Trapside to middle huck

Revolver uses a vert stack.  Revolver holds the center pass for a while as Machine covers the first cut (or 2 it’s hard to see from the camera angle).  Eventually they find an incut and cascade to the trapside.  The cascade yields power position and Revolver finds a handler striking deep.  This is the second time Revolver has taken a Machine handler deep.

This is the first game to three:  Revolver 3 – Machine 1.

Impressions so far: 
  • Neither team runs a lot of uplines. 
  • Revolver is hitting the dirt a lot more than Machine is. 
  • Machine has tried 2 “tough throws” and Revolver has tried zero.

Point 5:

Machine Score – 17:23 – Middle to Trapside huck

Machine uses three back again.  First easy possession for Machine, incut from the edge is wide open and the huck continue is wide open.

Point 6:

Revolver Score – 19:38 – Middle to Trapside Huck

Revolver comes out with three back.  Machine is poaching heavily off the handlers.  This is the first time Revolver has to complete a lot of passes.  The poach forces them to use the full width of the field, but they are patient and eventually something opens up.

Point 7:

Machine Score – 21:10 – Wideside to wideside huck.

Machine comes out in a vert stack, revolver poaching massively on the center handler; Matzuka uses this to get an easy pass to the wide side and then bombs it deep.  Machine finishes in the endzone set.

Point 8:

Revolver Score – 23:25 – Middle to wideside incut

Revolver comes out with three back, Machine is poaching the handlers again.  At the start of the possession Machine is switching downfield and Revolver gets two easy incuts to chew up yards.  Machine is forcing backhand, but Revolver shows they are very good at throwing forehand arounds.  Revolver has no problem moving laterally, their “scoring move” starts on the wide side, chisels toward the trapside, and then cuts back to the wide side.

Point 9:

Machine score – 25:25 – Wideside to trapside cross field shot

Machine comes out in a vert stack again.  It’s a very loose vert, at times it feels like Bob is just standing in the middle of the field while four people cut in circles around him.  Machine gets in a jam, but BMW breaks them out of it by hitting an inside flick to the middle, once centered Revolver scrambles to reset their defense and Machine takes advantage by advancing the disc.  This is the second time Bob creates takes a cross field flick. 

This is the end of the second game to three:  Revolver 2 (5) – Machine 3 (4).

Impressions so far:
  • Machine is more willing to change up their defense than Revolver.  They have tried switching, poaching, and varying the force.
  • Both teams are very good at throwing arounds.  The only uplines I have seen have come out of flow.  Is this because the defenders are better or the offenses are valuing lateral movement more?

Point 10:

Revolver Turn – 27:15 - Trapside to trapside huck
Machine Turn – 27:45 – Trapside to trapside huck
Revolver Score – 25:15 – Middle to trapside huck

Revolver uses two back again.  Machine D gets their first chance of the game here and completes zero passes as they test Beau on a jump ball.  The backhand force is interesting because Ashlin botched his, but Cassidy nailed his.  Revolver can throw the forehand around and hit the high release backhand – so the force isn’t doing anything in a “possession” sense.  It has yielded them a turn on a huck attempt, I guess you have to do something.

Point 11:

Machine Turn – 32:04 – Trapside to middle around
Revolver Trun – 33:57 - wideside to wideside huck
Machine Score- 35:30 – Middle to wideside blade

Machine uses three back.  Revolver puts a three man cup on the field, probably trying to slow down Machine’s deep game.  Machine is able to use low backhand around to get past the cup, create motion, and keep the stall low, unfortunately they eventually botch one of these.

Revolver gets nothing out of their timeout.

Bob creates for this score.

Point 12:

Revolver Score – 37:15 – Middle to middle incut

Revolver comes out with 3 back.  Machine is uses a 2-4-1 with a lot of switching in the middle of the field, the front two are forcing toward the middle of the field.  After a set number of passes Machine switches out of this set, once they are in man Revolver goes up field quickly, completing another backhand huck.

Point 13:

Machine Turn – 40:50 – Middle to wideside incut
Revolver Turn – 42:08 – Trapside to trapside huck
Machine Score – 42:25 – Trap to trap upline

Machine comes out with 2 handlers back.  The machine cutters end up behind the disc and the handlers end up downfield, this creates a snapshot that highlights the difference in skill set between these two groups.  The cutters are able to get open and create more space with their legs than the handlers were able to do.  The tradeoff being the cutters aren’t as good at creating with their throws and end up botching a tough shot.

Revolver was extremely patient with their possession, and then someone got impatient and took a bad shot.

Machine fastbreaks and Revolver never recovers.

Point 14:

Revolver score – 46:.0 – Middle to Middle incut

Revolver uses a sidestack.  Machine has stacked this DLine trying to get a break.  Machine seems to go straight man here, but with the added athleticism from the OLine put a lot of pressure on Revolver, but Revolver’s throws get them through.

This ends the first half Revolver 8 – Machine 6


  • Machine relies on their throwers to do more than Revolver does.  Bob and Matzuka throw a lot of scoobers/blades/hammers to move the disc and put scores away, it feels like it is harder for Machine to move the disc than it is for Revolver.

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