Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Ego is blind
Ego is arrogant
Ego is unfounded
Ego is unable to learn
Ego doesn’t make mistakes
Ego is never the responsible for failure
Ego is better even if it loses
Ego is already the best
Ego is suffocating
Ego is poison
Ego is loud

If I were to put one word to every season that is considered a “bad” season, that word would be ego.  Ego is death to a team. 

Ego is the mid-regionals club team that is worrying about “advanced topics”.

Ego is the club player who thinks he is above college drills and drilling the fundamentals.

Ego thinks he would be the best player on a national’s college team, if only he had tried harder in high school to get into a better college.  Ego is the best player in the region but no one recognizes it because it is in a small program.  Ego is too good for his college team.

When ego loses it doesn’t accept defeat.  Ego points at its teammates and blames them for holding it down.  Ego points at the other team and knocks them for getting lucky.  Ego assumes it will win that game 9 out of 10 times.  Ego says “if.”
·         If it wasn’t so windy I would have won
·         If we hadn’t dropped that pass in the endzone I would have won
·         If they didn’t call that foul I would have won
·         If they hadn’t made so many lucky catches I would have won
·         If they hadn’t gotten away with so many travels I would have won.

Ego fouls when he gets beat.  Ego calls travels he doesn’t see.  Ego calls fouls that didn’t happen.

Ego is not welcome in my dojo.


  1. I think you are generalizing Ego to much here. I feel like ego is also what gives you the confidence to be the best and dominate your match-up. What was the quote from Neal about standing on the line and knowing you are better than the guy you are matched up with and then going out and dominating him.

    I think ego from a weak minded player compounds like this, but is it really ego? It's like a defense mechanism for failure for those of us that never learned how to deal with this as little kids.

    Ego in a weak minded team can be destructive, but ego on a mentally strong team can be the push to win a championship.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Or my favorite instance of "ego" when Walden told Indiana on Saturday night that we were going to end their careers on Sunday at Regionals 2011.
